With with Anne Speier and Constanze Schweiger, curated for pinacoteca, Vienna, 2015
In the short essay Honeymoon Habit
for Real Life Magazine (1980), Kim Gordon tells about one of her early Design Office interventions in which she spray painted three objects − two lamp shades and one mirror − in copper at her friends' apartment. The design was not meant to be well executed or achieve a unique look or style. If anything it matched a lo-fi touch up using or recycling familiar aesthetics, sort of a reflective intervention into someones lifestyle and a way to practice art outside of the institutional system.
Untitled (Große Neugasse 44), 2015
Acrylic spray paint on window frame, gouache on glass
Site specific installation, dimensions variable
Edition Honeymoon Habit, 2015
Digital print and UV-gloss-varnish on coated paper, spray paint on cardboard, rubber cement, xerograph, folded: 14,8 × 21 cm, edition of 100
Spice shrines by Anne Speier, 2015
Wood, paint, fabrics, spices
Photos: Thomas Ries, 2015